****I am sad to announce the passing of my brother, Anthony Grillo on October 21st, 2004. Please keep visiting, being patient with the hopeful continuation of his website. Sincerely, Vivian Grillo****


Andrea Doria Crew Continued
Ercolano Mr. Natale S.C. Cuoco
Errico Mr. Guiseppe Bread baker. Rescued by the Thomas
Esposito Mr. Luigi Helmsman. Rescued by the Thomas
Esposito Ms. Maria Cam ra 
Esposito Mr. Pasquale Carbonaio
Fama Mr. Pasquale Greaser
Fama Mr. Roberto 3 o Cook. Rescued by the Thomas.
Fancellu Mr. Paolo Piccolo com
Fantini Mr. Giuseppe Greaser
Farella Mr. Ciro Greaser
Fava Ms. Maria Presser
Favilla Mr. Giovanni Steward. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Fegio Ms. Giuseppina Presser
Feliciotti Mr. Antonio First class steward
Felluga Mr. Mariano Camer.
Femiano Ms. Carmen Camra
Ferlora Mr. Sergio Operaio mot
Ferrara Mr. Giuseppe Maro Casser
Ferrari Ms. Giuseppina camer 
Ferro Mr. Salvatore Amanuense
Filippis Mr. Francesco Crew Waiter
Filipponi Mr. Giuseppe 2 o Commesso
Fillini Mr. Giordano Waiter
Fonda Mr. Andrea Cam re 
Fonda Mr. Ezio Cam re 
Fonda Mr. Francesco Sailor. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Fonda Mr. Giorgio First class steward 
Formisano Mr. Renato 23 yrs Piccolo com. MSCM. First class dining room. Rescued by the Stockholm. Today: Living in Italy.
Forti Mr. Giorgio 3 o Cook
Foschi Mr. Pier Mario Deck boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Fragomeno Mr. Antonio Cabin Boy lusso
Fragomeno Mr. Francesco 1o Waiter
Francese Mr. Silvestro Com 
Franchini Officer Curzio Second Senior Officer on the bridge during the collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen. Passed away in 2002.
Francia Mr. Luigi 2o Inferm
Francioni Mr. Giovani Fireman. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Francisosi Ms. Franca Camer
Freti Mr. Alberico Camer
Frisone Mr. Andrea Cam com
Gallo Mr. Armando Amanuense
Gallo Officer Dario Second officer, engine room. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Gamberini Mr. Salvatore camer 
Garbarini Mr. Giulio 1. Elettricista
Garbato Mr. Michele Maro Pomp
Garofalo Mr. Leopoldo Sailor. Rescued by the Thomas
Garre Giuseppe Ottonaio
Garrone Officer Felice First Officer, Radio Operator
Gasparini Mr. Angelo Capo Partita Sals.
Gasparini Mr. Giovanni First Class Waiter pasticc.
Gasparini Mr. Guglielmo 1 Carpentiere
Gasparini Mr. Ruggiero First Class 2o Pastry Chef
Gasperini Mr. Luigi Cabin Boy
Gatto Ronchieri
Antonio Gatto Ronchieri-Photo from his maritime book - Courtesy of Lorenzo Gatto Ronchieri
Mr. Antonio 2 Carpentiere. Rescued by the Ile de France. Passed away.
Gentilli Mr. Alberto First class Bar tender.
Gerbi Mr. Albino Capo Partita Macell. Rescued by the Thomas
Germiniasi Mr. Carlo Cabin Boy com
Geromella Mr. Vittorio Fouchista
Gesmundo Mr. Michele Cabin Boy sc. Rescued by the Thomas
Ghiggini Mr. Giuseppe 2o C. Fuoch
Giacco Mr. Michele Cabin Boy scel
Giadrossi Mr. Alfredo Waiter com
Gianni Mr. Ezio Piccolo com
Giannini Officer Eugenio Junior Third Officer, first on the bridge to see the Stockholm. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Giannini Dr. Renzo Medical Doctor
Giannotti Mr. Ettore Assistant Waiter sc
Giglio Mr. Pietro Fouchista
Gilberti Mr. Angelo Sailor. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Ginanni Mr. Corradini Costantino Assistant Waiter bcl
Gnetti Mr. Marco Waiter camb
Goretta Mr. Lidio Bread baker
Gormarino Mr. Giuseppe First Class 3o Pastry Chef
Grasso Mr. Francesco Camer com.
Graziano Mr. Luigi Waiter coc sc
Greco Mr. Attilio Cam. Pomp. 
Greco Engineer Giovanni Chief Engineer. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Grisan Mr. Nicolo Waiter camb Rescued by the Thomas
Grollino Mr. Gaetano Tourist class 3o cuoco 3a
Guarino Mr. Cesare First class steward
Guida Mr. Giuseppe Com 
Guidi Officer Francesco Chief Radio Operator. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Iannacore Mr. Carmine Mozzo
Iannelli Mr. Domenico C. All. Magaz.
Iardino Mr. Fedele Maro Pomp
Ignaro Mr. Luigi Deck Boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Infantino Mr. Paolo Hairdresser 1a cl. Rescued by the Thomas
Ingenito Mr. Natale Crew cook 3 o
Ingianni Officer Francesco Chief Purser
Iosso Mr. Gennaro Cam 
Iviani Mr. Francesco Plumber. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Kirn Officer Carlo First Officer. Rescued by the Edward Allen
La Camera Mr. Paolo Waiter
La Motta Mr. Salvatore Piccolo com. CMU. Rescued by the Thomas
La Rosa Mr. Sebastiano First Class Assistant Pastry Chef
Lami Ms. Anna Maria camer bcl
Langella Mr. Aniello Fouchista
Langella Mr. Salvatore Greaser. Rescued by the Thomas
Lanzilli Ms. Preziosa Presser
Lettich Mr. Gasparo Calderinaio
Libardo Mr. Domenico Maro Pomp
Licastro Mr. Domenico Tourist Class 2a cuoco 3a
Lippi Ms. Anna Maria Camra lusso
Loiacono Mr. Raffaele Cabin Boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Frederico Manfredi on left reunites with his cousin George Lombardi. Photo: The Daily Intelligenrer
Mr. Pier Giorgio 20 yrs First Class waiter
Lombardo Mr. Giuseppe Greaser
Lombardo Mr. Salvatore Sailor
Lovazzano Ms. Bianca Presser
Luccisano Mr. Umberto First class steward
Lugnan Mr. Antonio Sailor. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Lugnan Mr. Bernardo Sailor
Luminato Mr. Giuseppe Steward. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Lunanova Mr. Mauro Greaser
Lussi Mr. Galliano Camer 
Luxardo Mr. Giulio First class Cam. Argent.
Macri Mr. Paolo Assistant Waiter scel COM
Macri Mr. Vittorio Piccolo sc
Madonna Mr. Giuseppe Crew Waiter
Captain Osvaldo Magagnini in 1962. Photo: Raffaele Minotauro
Captain Osvaldo 52 yrs Staff Captain, left the bridge before the collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen. Passed away in his 90's.
Maggiolo Mr. Giacomo Piccolo scelto CMU. Rescued by the Thomas
Magnani Mr. Flavio Waiter S so
Maiella Mr. Felice First class steward. Rescued by the Thomas
Maiuolo Mr. Antonio Steward. Rescued by the Edward Allen.
Malissa Mr. Pietro Sailor. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Frederico Manfredi on left reunites with his cousin George Lombardi. Photo: The Daily Intelligenrer
Mr. Federico 25 yrs Bread baker. Rescued by the Stockholm. Living in Canada.
Mantero Officer Oscar Assistant Second Officer, engine room. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Maracci Cadet Mario Officer Cadet. Rescued by the Thomas
Marazzo Mr. Vincenzo Calderinaio
Maremonti Mr. Umberto Assistant Waiter
Mari Mr. Arveo 2. Elettricista
Marini Mr. Francesco 2nd Electrician. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Marino Mr. Michele Cam com
Marmorato Mr. Francesco Cam re com
Marrollo Mr. Emiliano Cam Pomp. Rescued by the Thomas
Marrazzo Mr. Augusto Cabin Class Capo Partita SN Leg.
Marsala Mr. Francesco Barber com. Cl Tur. Rescued by the Thomas
Martellani Mr. Bruno 2 o Commesso
Martinelli Mr. Francesco Assistant Waiter com CMC
Martini Mr. Giovanni Fouchista
Martuccelli Mr. Pasquale 25yrs Cabin Boy. Rescued by the Thomas. Living in Italy.
Masotti Ms. Maria 2a Inferm Ost
Massa Mr. Dino Band Leader extra. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Massa Mr. Filippo Cabin Boyscel. Rescued by the Thomas
Massarenti Mr. Giuseppe Operat S.N.
Mastellone Mr. Giovanni Camer corr
Maurel Ms. Elide Camer ra bct
Mauri Mr. Vincenzo Greaser. Rescued by the Thomas
Mazzitelli Mr. Francesco Cabin Class 2o cuoco 3a
Mazzoni Mr. Elmo Orchestr 1a
Mazzotti Officer Antonio Third Officer, engine room. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Mellone Mr. Ciro Cam re com
Melloni Officer Otello Junior Third Officer, engine room. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Mennella Mr. Francesco Giovanot 2a
Mennella Mr. Giuseppe Tourist class Waiter cuc
Mennella Mr. Michele Cam re com
Mian Mr. Angelo Cam re 
Micera Mr. Ciro Oper mecc
Micheli Mr. Allesandro Sailor Rescued by the Edward Allen
Mignone Mr. Domenico 2. Elettricista
Milovich Mr. Marcello Maro Casser
Minetti Mr. Giobatta Mess boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen
 Oggi Photo: As soon as Gaetano arrives on land he falls to his knees and prays the Rosary to thank the Blessed Mother for protecting him during the collision and rescue.
Mr. Gaetano 33 yrs Tourist class waiter from Naples.  Rescued by the Stockholm. Passed away in September 2003 in Italy.
Mocca Cadet Giuseppe Cadet Officer, engine room.
Moggi Mr. Galileo Tourist Class 2a cuoco 3a
Molica Mr. Francesco Assistant Waiter com MBe
Molinaro Mr. Salvatore Cabin Class 3o cusco
Mollero Ms. Marianna Camra 
Monaro Mr. Alberto Fouchista
Mondini Officer Giuseppe First Assistant Engineer, shutdown starboard engine ruptured by the collision. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Montanari Mr. Tito Mess Boy. Rescued by the Edward Allen
Montefusco Mr. Salvatore Casseroliere
Montello Mr. Nicola Cabin Class Commesso
Montevergine Mr. Vincenzo Cabin Boy o sc. Rescued by the Thomas
Morabito Mr. Giorgio Camer 
Morandi Mr. Carmelo Camer re lusso
Morelli Mr. Ciro Fouch. C.G.
Morieri Mr. Antonino Piccolo Scelto
Moroni Mr. Emilio Barber ingl 1a cl.
Moroni Mr. Franco Waiter cuc sc
Morvillo Mr. Michele camer 
Motta Mr. Michele Cam Lavand
Murgia Mr. Antonio 2. Elettricista
Musi Ms. Amneris Manicurist
Musico Officer Luigi Ship's Bank


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Send mail to agrillo@andreadoria.org to contact Anthony Grillo about the contents of the web site.
All original material Copyright © 1998-2003  Anthony Grillo, all others are the Copyright of their respective holders
Last modified: Tuesday, September 11, 2007